City Transplants

In the beginning of the new year, I started my 2 month community pharmacy rotation in Calgary. Since this was the first time I really lived away from my parents for any extended period of time, I felt nervous and under-prepared. Luckily, I would be living together with some friends of mine and so far we've been managing quite well (no arguments thus far). And now that it's been 2 weeks since moving to Calgary, I finally had some time to go out and explore the city and take in its scenery.

In a short sentence, Calgary's downtown feels more urban and upscale than Edmonton's. Despite Edmonton's efforts at revitalizing the downtown core with the new arena, renovating old districts and attracting new development, I can't help but feel that currently, it still feels neglected and patchwork, with one block looking urban and new and the next run down. Calgary's downtown, by comparison, feels cohesive. All the areas feel like what a downtown should feel: clean, bustling, and full of energy. With that aside, here are a few photos from the night, highlighting the Peace Bridge and the downtown high rises from Crescent Hill.

Peace bridge and miscellaneous buildings in the background

Spectacular lighting on this bridge

It's like a spaceship!

A wide angle shot of downtown from Crescent Hill, done on the Tokina 11-16 f2.8

Quite fond of this photo looking at the Eastern side of the downtown core.

Played around with the silhouette of the power lines. Perhaps bokeh'ing out the background could have made for a more interesting photo. It looks cluttered as it is.

Exploring Calgary for the night was a great experience but a couple hours doesn't do the city justice. I'll just have to find more time to take photos!

